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Loneliness After High School – Calling for Stories

We are inviting people who are eighteen (18) to twenty-five (25) years old to share stories about experiences of loneliness after high school during times of change and transitions such as starting work after high school, training or starting university.

Loneliness in young adulthood can be a challenging and often misunderstood experience. The ages 18 to 25 years are said to have lots of transitions for us. Such as, we become an adult after adolescence, or we find ourselves in new environment with new people, we can feel the pressures of establishing a career or starting a new family. In all of these changes and stages loneliness can have an impact.

By sharing your story you can help researchers and other young people understand the experience of loneliness for future models of support to be developed. Once we have gathered stories, an online space will be created for young people to visit and learn about these experiences in a safe environment.

If you have other experiences of loneliness during a different life transition such as becoming a parent, don’t worry! There will be other opportunities to add your story or you may do so now.

You can share your short story using text, audio, image or video. This could be a poem, short story (approx. 500 words), poster, drawing, graphic or animated video. We accept file formats in JPEG/PNG/PDF/ Docx/mp3/wav. You can upload one or multiple files, but ensure that each file size doesn’t exceed 10 MB. Please note that if you include images or videos of yourself or use your voice in an audio recording, that’s OK! Just remember that it will be displayed publicly. If others are identifiable in your story, we may ask you to edit and resubmit.

To get started, please read the Participant Information here and fill in the consent form there. You can then click the “Submit an idea” button to share your story. Click here for the guide on how to share your story.

When we receive your story it is checked by someone in the team before being published live. You and other people can also vote for stories submitted by others that you connect with, relate to or think is the most important.

Key dates

24 June 2024 - Challenge opened
30 September 2024 - Challenge closed
30 September 2024 - Prioritised idea selected


The A-Part of the Crowd project is funded by the Medibank Better Health Foundation and has human research ethics approval from The University of Melbourne (ethics ID: 28499). The ALIVE National Centre is funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Special Initiative in Mental Health (GNT2002047). Thank you to the Lived-Experience Advisory Group for shaping this project.

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Submitted ideas

High school to University Expectations

Created by: Anonymous user
View idea
The Many Lenses of Loneliness

Created by: Rachael
View idea

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