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The Lived-Experience Research Collective

Michelle Banfield
Professor Michelle Banfield

The Long Conversation (TLC) - Who, What, Where & How?

Lived-Experience Research Lead and Centre Co-Director Professor Michelle Banfield leads this national project. The project is a flagship of the Lived-Experience Research Collective that has more than 240 members who self-identity as lived-experience researchers living with mental ill-health, ongoing trauma, or as carer, family and kinship group members of someone living with mental ill-health. A proportion of the lived-experience research collective members are people who are employed in research roles within government, non-government organisations or other non-university based settings. TLC maps the who, what, where and how of lived-experience research nationally and stems from conversations held at the start of Centre establishment. Data collected within the project will also inform the Centre’s strategic initiative to develop A National Strategy for Lived-Experience in Mental Health Research to support capabilities development for lived-experience research to grow, and to foster career pathways and integration. Ninety-seven people contributed to a national survey for this project in 2023, and a selection of interviews have been conducted. More creative outputs about the who, what, where and how of lived-experience research nationally are planned for 2024 and 2025.

The Embedded Lived-Experience Model for Mental Health Research Translation

Click here to see the embedded lived-experience model within The ALIVE National Centre, reflecting the ‘collective’ as a bridge across lived-experience for mental health research translation.

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