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Transforming mental health and well-being through primary care and community action


Transforming mental health and well-being through primary care and community action

View The ALIVE National Centre Pocket Map 2024 Edition for Mental Health Research Translation

The ALIVE National Centre 2024 Annual Symposium hosted by our partner the Australian National University, Ngunnawal and Ngambri Country, Canberra.

Organisations in our network

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Mental Health Research database

Search this national database of existing research projects and datasets to collaborate nationally.

Implementation tools and techniques for mental health care at scale

Find resources to implement for mental health care transformation.

Quick guides

Research translated into bite sized information highlighting key insights and methodologies.
Our aim is to ensure mental health research makes a difference in as many lives as possible in Australia.

Do you have suggestions on how we could enhance collaboration across Australia’s mental health research space? Or how we could make research data more accessible?


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