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MOVEMENT: Exercise for improveing health and wellbeing of people with mental illness

Justin Chapman
Doctor Justin Chapman

Funded by the MRFF Effective Treatments and Therapies, Brisbane North Primary Health Network, and The ALIVE National Centre.

This project aims to evaluate the effectiveness of exercise programs for improving quality of life in people with severe mental ill-health.

This is a 4-year study beginning on the 1st January 2024 and continuing to the 31st December 2027. This study has progressed to developing a platform for translational research using innovative methodology, to support ongoing collaborations and partnerships with service providers to enable capacity building for translational research and quality improvement. This is in partnership with Brisbane North and South Hospital and Health Services, Primary Health Networks, and four non-government organisations (Communify QLD, Neami National, Stride, and Richmond Fellowship QLD), and Psychosis Australia. Two PhD students have begun their research with this project, and Equally Well have agreed to join the partnership for strategic endorsement.

The study will be implemented across hospital and community settings, at a time when service development initiatives such as Queensland Multimorbidity Quality Improvement Strategy and the community Head to Health centres are being established. Implementation Science methods will be used to understand impacts to practice, and health economics analysis will evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the interventions.

Research Team:

Justin Chapman, Amanda Wheeler, Dan Siskind, Alison Yung, Yong Yi Lee, Urska Arnautovska, James Scott, Kylie Burke, Eva Malacova, Nicole Korman, Marianne Wyder, Geoffrey Lau, Gregory Pratt, Simon Rosenbaum, Jackie Curtis, Mary Lou Chatterton, Lisa Simmons.

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