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The Idea

I’m so happy to be part of the Co-design living labs and the work that is being done is incredibly important for so many who suffer mental illness. Unfortunately during my time of depression there was a lot of negativity regarding mental illness and shame for not being “quite right”. I felt very isolated, secluded and lonely. At that time I was extremely fortunate to make contact with a Doctor who actually cared and understood. He helped me on my journey to find the reasons and the solutions by listening without judgement. He never scoffed at my lack of reasoning or out of control thought processes because he understood that was part of my problem. I had difficulty connecting with several counselling practitioners and my GP did not berate, he just kept searching for someone who actually understood my complex problems. One day he said to me “Medication will push the problem down, but when you stop the medication it will bubble to the surface again. You need to find a solution within yourself”.

That was it! A solution within myself.

Eventually, after several sessions with a number of different councellors I was referred to a Psychiatrist who listened to my problems and then suggested finding a “solution within myself”. This wonderful lady taught me how to recognise my reactions and how to control these reactions.
I believe to a certain degree mental illness stays with you, but I have learnt to recognise triggers and I now search to find “the solution within myself”.

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