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Transforming mental health and well-being through primary care and community action


Transforming mental health and well-being through primary care and community action

The ALIVE national centre for mental health research translation will implement innovative models of care to improve experiences, reduce fragmentation and address the early mortality gaps in priority populations.

Check our noticeboard to find out more about recent studies
and upcoming events.

Our vision

Vibrant communities that support mental health and promote well-being to enable people to thrive.

We achieve this by delivering access to preventive mental health care and whole person models of care that are premised on experience-informed approaches.

Prevention across
life course
Longer, healthier lives
in priority populations


Lived Expertise

We value lived-experience as a unique expertise that is central to transformation

Practice Wisdom

We value practice experience as a form of wisdom that can inform change

Outcomes Driven

We value making a difference by being data-driven and using evidence for sustained change and impact


We value co-created spaces that are inclusive, equitable and respectful of difference


We value collaborations where trust, respect and connection support honouring all expertise


We value curiosity to grow together, and to be courageous in what we do collectively

Introduction to the alive collective

Organisations in our network

The networks of the Centre

Our platform seeks to digitise & unify the fragmented landscape of the mental health research sectors, by bringing them under one roof. It’s our goal to increase the collaborative potential across the mental health settings by hosting online community spaces to connect and collaborate for change and translational research.


Has a vibrant membership base of 2000+ people with lived-experience of mental illnesses across primary and community care settings who come together to co-design in an end to end research design to translation model. This includes bringing industry, policy-makers and researchers together to address the challenge at hand.

A national network of mental health service delivery partners across primary care and community settings who participate in rapid implementation studies to support translation and scaling up innovations in mental health care.

Focused on capacity building of lived-experience researchers with tailored mentor programs, events and training that acknowledge the different needs for lived-experience researchers and to strengthen lived-experience led research and its implementation within primary and community care settings.

For research higher degrees, early, mid career and clinician researchers.
Focused on capacity building with mentorship, training, events, and in-residence exchange.

Focused on capacity building of lived-experience researchers with tailored mentor programs, events and training that acknowledge the different needs for lived-experience researchers and to strengthen lived-experience led research and its implementation within primary and community care settings.

A national network of mental health service delivery partners across primary care and community settings who participate in rapid implementation studies to support translation and scaling up innovations in mental health care.

For research higher degrees, early, mid career and clinician researchers.
Focused on capacity building with mentorship, training, events, and in-residence exchange.

Has a vibrant membership base of 2000+ people with lived-experience of mental illnesses across primary and community care settings who come together to co-design in an end to end research design to translation model. This includes bringing industry, policy-makers and researchers together to address the challenge at hand.

Interested in our Centre?
Submit your email here.

The ALIVE model for mental health ecosystem change

Co-Design of the National Roadmap

Click on the ALIVE National Centre blueprint for the co-design approach for our Roadmap for National Mental Health Research and Translation

Mental Health Research database

Search this national database of existing research projects and datasets to collaborate nationally.

Implementation tools and techniques for mental health care at scale

Find resources to implement for mental health care transformation.

Quick guides

Research translated into bite sized information highlighting key insights and methodologies.
Our aim is to ensure mental health research makes a difference in as many lives as possible in Australia.

Do you have suggestions on how we could enhance collaboration across Australia’s mental health research space? Or how we could make research data more accessible?


Log your ideas here with us.

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