Hi, thanks for clicking through.
You are invited to share your experiences at Townsville Head to Health.
You can get involved by completing a quick, anonymous survey or having a chat with one of our team, or both if you want.
If you are a person seeking support for mental health or social and emotional wellbeing:
- and want to complete a survey, please click here
- and want to register to have a chat or get a call back with more information, please click here
If you are a family member/kin/supporter of a person seeking support for mental health or social and emotional wellbeing:
- and want to complete a survey, please click here
- and want to register to have a chat or get a call back with more information, please click here
If you do not fit one of these categories or would just like some information, you can:
- call 1800 940 540 to speak with the team at the ALIVE National Centre
- register your details here
- email coeval-team@unimelb.edu.au
- have a chat at the front desk and pass your details to the project team
Your information will be kept confidential and no information that identifies you will be shared with service staff or staff at Neami (Neami runs the service).
The decision to be involved is up to you. You can start and then stop at any point if you feel this isn’t something you want to get involved in
University of Melbourne Ethics Approval Number: 26525