A focus on 16-25 years
Our 2024 ALIVE Lived Experience research priority-setting study is focused on the views of young people who have lived experience of mental ill-health, and/or as a carer, family or kinship group member supporting someone with mental ill-health. This year, we have decided to offer more than our usual survey and co-design, and you get to choose how you would like to take part. There are four different participation methods to help us generate and prioritise mental health research topics. Read about each briefly below and click the links to read the information sheet and consent to participate.
Online survey
Our brief online survey asks you some questions about your age, gender, location and type of lived experience. If you have carer, family or kinship group experience, we also ask you some questions about how you see your role. We then ask you to list three priorities for mental health research from your own perspective. And that’s it. Click here to read the full information sheet and complete the survey.
Photo interview
If you would prefer to have a chat with someone about your ideas, we are doing online interviews. You can bring along some photos to help frame the discussion. Like the survey, you will be asked to list three priorities for mental health research from your own perspective, but you can talk about them a bit more. Click here to read the information sheet and sign up for an interview, and we will be touch.
Feeling creative? Our community crowdsourcing platform lets you upload images and videos to go along with your text descriptions of your research priorities. This might be photos, artwork or brief videos that describe your priorities. As part of our prioritisation process, the crowdsourcing platform also lets people vote on your ideas, and you can vote on theirs. Click here to read the information sheet and sign up to the platform.
Emotion mapping
Want to work with ideas put forward by other young people? This is your space! In emotion mapping you will have a private online Mural board workspace where you can use virtual post-it notes to reflect on the importance of topics and think about how they should be organised. Click here to read the information sheet and sign up for the emotion mapping, and we will be in touch.
The ethical aspects of this project have been approved by the ANU Human Research Ethics Committee (protocol H/2024/0495)