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The Idea

When I began my first position in the construction industry, I was one of only three females in the office and also among the youngest employees. This made it challenging to establish meaningful connections with my colleagues. Consequently, I had to navigate not only the complexities of starting my professional career but also the specific barriers inherent to the industry.
There were several moments that felt particularly isolating, especially given that many of my friends and family had limited understanding of my career aspirations. Upon securing my role as an Estimator, I often encountered the question, “What does that mean?” Explaining my role in a way that resonates with those outside the construction field proved difficult, which hindered my ability to brainstorm solutions to various challenges.
Another notable experience was during an end-of-financial-year celebration, where I found that none of the directors resembled me. This raised questions about whether my interests would be genuinely considered.
Fortunately, during my time in my role, I have witnessed a positive shift in the office’s diversity, with a significant increase in the representation of women and younger employees. Including more females in senior positions. Additionally, I have connected with organizations focused on mentoring individuals in similar roles, which has greatly enhanced my professional network and sense of belonging within the industry.

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If you are 18-25 and experiencing loneliness while navigating work or a new job we want to hear your story. Your experience can make a difference. By sharing your story,...

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