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The Idea

A health system that is holistic should meet a range of diverse needs in a range of diverse ways. A health system that provides opportunities for all people to find well-being through creativity (if they choose to), to me, is a genuinely holistic system.

For some people, care and support is being given a medicine. For others, it is being given opportunities to connect and talk, or being given opportunities to be in nature. And for many people, it is being given opportunities to be creative. Opportunities to find well-being through creativity – music, art, dance and poetry – are so important for providing access to care that is inclusive.

Creativity and creative expression, for many people, is essential for well-being.

This is a photo of my 4 year old son’s hand touching a wall of colourful sequins. There are lots of opportunities for kids to be creative and express themselves in creative ways. What if we started to think outside of the box for supporting well-being for everyone in whatever way they need?

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