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The solution

Integrating knowledge of our natural wildlife into workspaces, mental health practices etc

Building on Michelle’s idea of Wildlife traits/attributes and as a way to deepen our connection to Country we could use a model like to reflect our feelings:

Cocky – I’m feeling screechy today and need a cuddle
Chough – I’m in sync with my mob
Superb Fairy Wren – I’m feeling magnetic today
Kookaburra – I can’t stop laughing
Wombat – I’m stubborn today and might knock down anything in my path
Kangaroo – I’m nervous and jumpy
Wallaby – I need to be alone
Echidna – I’m spiky (with a soft underbelly though)

Pics from my local shelter (including a moth I discovered whom I named Carla Zampatti – you’ll see why!) When you look at the pics note your mood. As a person with Lived Experience of cPTSD, animals are critical to my sustenance and well being – they give me big hits of dopamine and ground me. What do animals do for you and where do they sit in our vision of a safer and more integrated world?

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