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The Idea

Through reflection on my Mental Health recovery, there is no one instance which stands out significantly or instilled in me a life changing epiphany. My recovery journey has been slow and sometimes arduous. It was through working with a psychologist that progress was made in identifying the root causes of my mental anguish and how my behaviours were a direct result of the negative experiences I had endured throughout my life span. The work with my psychologist investigated traumatic experiences which I had not delt with, as well as family cultural normalities I was unconsciously harbouring. It was therefore important for me to explore several talking therapy methods and discover one that made sense to me. One in which I could relate to and facilitate throughout my everyday life.

The main turning points which further assisted me in my recovery journey was my studies in Indigenous studies at university. The studies provided me in thinking through alternative ways of looking at the world and some of the methods which were deployed by European colonisers. In identifying these methods, I was able to understand the hidden barriers which had restricted me through unconscious social controls. These unconscious controls were contributing to repressing my underlying identity. It was important for me to observe the value which First Nations peoples placed upon identifying natural abilities or passions of any one Individual. Promoting these abilities or passions were seen as a vital in the pursuit of benefiting the entire community its continuing survival. Unfortunately, modern day Australian society places hierarchies regarding what is valued and influenced mostly through the historic British class systems. This system can disempower and lead to many people feel less valued or failures, as their talents or interests are under appreciated.

In sharing my mental health journey I hope that it will assist others who are struggling with finding themselves and being true to themselves.

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