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The Idea

It took me almost one year to find work after graduating from University. At times, I wouldn’t even mention to my friends that I was looking for work. There was definitely a lot of pressure on myself, especially as a fresh graduate. I felt ashamed to ask my friends for help and just applied for work as much as possible. Even though this journey was challenging and rather lonely, I tried my best to endure obstacles during my transition from University to starting work. Since I didn’t tell my friends that I was going to start work, no one except my previous supervisors from my placements helped enhance my job application. When I started work, I had to adapt to a new reality and worked longer hours than a 9-5. I would keep my struggles a secret from my friends as there were times where I would feel so tired and go to sleep immediately, after going home from work. I’m still very grateful to begin a career and I realised that everyone’s journey from University to work is often non-linear and different. Journaling to myself and meditation helps me cope with work-related challenges. I hope that work will be smooth because I feel more comfortable sharing the positive in my life with everyone.

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If you are 18-25 and experiencing loneliness while navigating work or a new job we want to hear your story. Your experience can make a difference. By sharing your story,...

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