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Circles of support and experiential learning for neurodiverse families

The Idea

Many Autistic young people are struggling with very hard feelings and distress, yet mental health and crisis service responses don’t seem to work. There isnt alot of capability in the MH system for understanding, working with and engaging well . Ie engagement might take a real long time. The services are not specifically designed to work well. The impacts for everyone in the family are really hard and it seems like better support could be offered – perhaps what would be better is organised forums where young people or families can share learning, and wisdom of getting through, and also how to organise circles of support that are acceptable and useful for YP(an established idea) , and developing peer counselling or connecting to activity based programs could also be a part of it.

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Help to co-create Holistic Formations Call to Action! Casting the Net for What Matters in Holistic Systems......

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