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Our Purpose

Transforming mental health and well-being through primary care and community action.

The transformation starts with a co-designed National Roadmap for Mental Health Research Translation. Take a look at the video on the right from the 2024 Annual Symposium.

This short video shows the progress of the roadmap to guide implementation actions, translation goals, our knowledge translation and integration strategies all established through the Centre’s experience co-design approach, and the development of a Call to Action to [re]form national and mental health well-being in March 2024.

Our Vision

Vibrant communities that support mental health and promote well-being to enable people to thrive.

Our Values

Lived Expertise

We value lived-experience as a unique expertise that is central to transformation.

Practice Wisdom

We value practice experience as a form of wisdom that can inform change.

Outcomes Driven

We value making a difference by being data-driven and using evidence for sustained change and impact


We value co-created spaces that are inclusive, equitable and respectful of difference.


We value collaborations where trust, respect and connection support honouring all expertise.


We value curiosity to grow together, and to be courageous in what we do collectively

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