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The solution

Stop Using the 'Bingo' Words

Collaboration, Intersectional etc – are so overused in policy, strategy, frameworks that they are simply meaningless now, unless the implementation is actually completed. Think of all the Mental Health strategies / papers / frameworks over the past decade – very little has changed or been implemented – other the insertion of the new ‘ bingo’ words.

Funding Commitment, Resource Commitment, appropriate resources allocation (whether it is LE or people with the skills to implement) , adopting a long term focus on outcomes – change does not happen overnight or is a smooth simple installation – there will be road bumps, detours, learnings etc – so ensuring that the scope and flexibility is provided to see this .
Comes down to the drivers behind change and accountability – currently it is all “Politically” driven – govts only focused on being able to say’ we delivered on what we promised – without any concern whether it works, is adding value, is a good ROI of the funding etc etc. The individual / consumer wellbeing, access, affordability to services and support rarely comes into the equation.

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