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Connecting with our natural environment for inner peace and wellbeing - an immersive story

One of the best things for replenishing my sense of inner wellbeing is to be immersed in and connected with nature. Spending time noticing the details with as many senses as possible speaks to my spirit in ways nothing else can, providing inner peace.

The attached pic is an example of how we can plan our environment to create a story in which to immerse. The green grass is freshly cut (smell it), but imperfect as are we all. There is shelter off to the right, but in a storm a curtain of water falls from the curved pergola roof. The rain that will soak the unwary also waters the grass beneath. The meandering stone path leads to a planted pond with waterfall (hear the splashing water) where the gentle movement of the fish soothes the busy mind. The setting sun lights up the fluffy clouds piled high in the distance (see them), whilst the evening breeze ruffles the fern-like foliage of the silky oaks to the left (feel it). The summer evening is so gentle you can taste it, and feel your spirit being replenished.

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