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The solution

The Importance of Interconnectedness

Planetary Health is intrinsically tied to our innermost experiences, our sense of wellbeing and purpose. People innately seek connections with nature and other forms of life, and research shows that when we connect with nature our mental and physical health improves.

When we take this a step further and care for the planet – conserve biodiversity, support sustainable resource management, participate in a community garden or habitat restoration group – we feel a sense of fulfillment, belonging, and interconnectedness. We are indirectly supporting our inner experience by caring for our outer world. Additionally, by contributing to the protection of our ecosystems, we create a safer, more sustainable place to live, which further cultivates a deeper sense of inner peace. A safer, more sustainable environment provides us with the space to better navigate our inner challenges – our inner landscapes reflect our outer landscapes.

Not only does this reflect in our individual lives, but also by advocating for environmental protection, we can make our world more equitable for those in marginalised communities who will be most affected by climate change.

Promoting a healthy planet promotes holistic well-being, resilience, and flourishing for all.

Below is a little drawing I did; I hope it conveys connection to each other and nature.

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Sam W

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